lianjia.com was registered 10 years 11 months ago. It is a sub-domain of com. It has a global Alexa ranking #2,087 and ranked 340th in China. lianjia.com receives about 885,141 unique visitors and 7,081,128 page views per day which should earn about $ 7,081.00/day from advertising revenue.Estimated site value is $ 7,647,480.00. According to SiteAdvisor, lianjia.com is safe to visit.Its web server is located in China, with IP address
Title: | 北京二手房_北京租房_北京房产网(北京链家网) |
Keywords: | 二手房, 二手房网, 链家, 北京二手房网, 北京房地产, 北京租房, 北京房产信息 |
Alexa Rank: | #2,087 |
Daily Revenue: | $ 7,081.00 | Daily visitors: | 885,141 | Daily Pageviews: | 7,081,128 |
Created: | 2013-12-17 |
Updated: | 2019-11-21 |
Registrar: | Aerotek Bilisim Sanayi ve Ticaret AS |
IP Address: | |
Host Location: | Beijing, Beijing, China |
Global Rank | 2,087 |
Delta | -53 |
Reach Rank | 2649 |
Country | China |
Rank in Country | 340 |
Domain | Rank |
nordvpn.com | #2,090 |
eba.gov.tr | #2,090 |
forums.wordpress.com | #2,090 |
irecommend.ru | #2,091 |
doramatv.live | #2,091 |
gaadiwaadi.com | #2,092 |
xda-developers.com | #2,093 |
zomato.com | #2,093 |
google.hr | #2,094 |
watanserb.com | #2,095 |